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Transforming Corporate Banking with AI-Powered Corporate Card Management Platform

Banks face immense pressure to digitally transform corporate banking to improve efficiency, transparency, and compliance. Manual processes lead to delays, errors, and regulatory risks.

Shelter Technology helped leading banks adopt AI to enhance their corporate banking offerings.

The Problem

 Banque Du Cairo needed an efficient way to disburse payments to beneficiaries. The manual processing of requests was slow, cumbersome, and error-prone. Specific issues faced:

  1. Delayed processing of payouts taking 3-5 days
  2. Error rates of 5-8% in payment amounts and beneficiary details
  3. Lack of visibility into payment status for corporates
  4. Difficulty ensuring compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) norms

Detailed Solution

Banque Du Cairo partnered with Shelter Technology Company to help develop and launch its new prepaid cards platform. Our team of experts conducted a thorough market research to understand the needs and requirements of Banque Du Cairo’s corporate clients. Based on the insights gathered, we designed and developed a user-friendly platform that provided corporates with the ability to activate and replenish cards, as well as transfer funds to their beneficiaries, all from their workplace.

To enhance the solution further, Banque Du Cairo integrated AI technology to streamline the KYC (Know Your Customer) process. AI-powered document analysis was employed to automate the verification of corporate clients’ identity documents and other relevant information. This not only ensured compliance with regulatory requirements but also reduced the manual effort and time required for the KYC process.

Moreover, the platform incorporated AI-based AML (Anti-Money Laundering) detection capabilities. By analyzing transaction patterns, the system could identify suspicious activities and flag them for further investigation. This proactive approach helped Banque Du Cairo in preventing fraudulent transactions and complying with AML regulations. 

Design & Development

  1. Platform Architecture: Designed a cloud-based platform with microservices architecture for scalability and security.
  2. Intuitive Interface: Built responsive web interface with role-based dashboards for ease of use.
  3. Smart Workflows: Developed automated workflows triggered on payment requests for faster processing.
  4. AI Components: Integrated NLP for extracting beneficiary information accurately and ML algorithms to detect fraudulent transactions.
  5. APIs: Created APIs to integrate with the bank’s core banking and payment systems.

Testing & Deployment

  1. User Acceptance Testing: Conducted extensive UAT across various scenarios and user roles. Addressed gaps.
  2. Load Testing: Performed load testing to ensure platform could handle large payment volumes.
  3. Training: Conducted user training programs for relationship managers on platform capabilities.
  4. Deployment: Deployed platform across Banque Du Cairo’s corporate banking business. Monitored adoption.

The Results

  1. 60% faster processing of payouts
  2. 70% reduction in manual errors
  3. 30% increase in corporate client satisfaction

Call to Action

Transform your corporate banking experience or build your fintech solution with AI-powered solutions customized for your needs by Shelter Technology. Get in touch with our experts to learn how AI can enhance efficiency, reduce risks, and delight your corporate customers.